Thursday, March 18, 2021

Controlling Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus) – An Ayurvedic Approach

Diabetes mellitus is the third largest killer in the world behind the cardiac ailments and cancer is a major cause of adult blindness, kidney failure, gangrene, neuropathy, heart attack and strokes. More than 90 million people estimated to suffer from Diabetes mellitus throughout the world and the prevalence is still rising alarmingly. The Ayurvedic classics have exhaustively described the disease under the term ‘Madhumeha’. So, ayurvedic physicians have had the knowledge about what is known as diabetes mellitus now a day.

May be the sophisticated and complicated methods to investigate and treat the patients were not available at ancient time, but they knew about the nature and severity of the disease and also had a fair knowledge about its treatment. The synonyms for diabetes in Ayurveda are madhumeh, ojomeh and kshodrameh. Now according to allopathic science, diabetes can be defined as a syndrome of relative or absolute deficiency of insulin enough to cause hyperglycemia. The point of research lies whether it is deficiency of insulin or decreased effectiveness or cheap quality of insulin, which is unable to lower increased levels of glucose. Therefore, Diabetes is a major lifestyle disease and a metabolic disorder marked by fluctuations in blood Sugar level in the body, due either to ones pancreas not producing enough insulin or the body-cells not responding properly to the insulin produced.

What is Diabetes according to Ayurveda?

In Ayurveda, Diabetes is referred to as “Prameha” or “Madhumeha” as we have discussed above. “Madhu” translates to “sweet like honey”, and “Meha” refers to “urine.” 5000 years ago, physicians detected the presence of glucose in urine and did some physical tests wherein they studied urine appearances to diagnose the type of Dosha that is involved in diabetes.

The etiopathology of diabetes states that addiction to a sedentary lifestyle and oversleeping can aggravate Kapha Dosha and can trigger diabetes. In addition, consumption of the following food items may also lead to diabetes by aggravating Kapha and vitiating the fat and muscle tissues:

  • Yogurt and other milk products
  • Meat of domestic and aquatic animals of marshy land
  • Freshly harvested grains
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Jaggery

Similarly, Pitta Dosha can be aggravated by diet lifestyle factors. This can cause a different type of diabetes. When both Kapha and Pitta are imbalanced, it disturbs the Vata. Consequently, the aggravated Vata draws the essence of the bone marrow and lymph, and transmits it into the urinary tract, which ultimately causes another type of diabetes.

Ayurvedic Approach to Diabetes

Ayurveda, the ancient sciences of medical faculties is one of the oldest and scientific systems of medicine on the planet. The disease Madhumeha is described in almost all available texts Ayurveda under the title Prameha/Madhumeha. While searching for ayurvedic medicine for sugar control, people are stucked to choose among the variety. Ayurveda aims at treating diabetes by achieving “Reverse Pathogenesis,” also known as “Samprapti Vighatana”. In doing so, the pathway and disorder tree is sketched out, and techniques to knock off the causative factors in reverse gear are planned.

Vata dosha is responsible for all the small and big movements in the body, Pitta dosha regulate the body’s digestion and metabolism while Kapha dosha is accountable for strength and growth. The imbalance of these Doshas is what makes the body prone to illnesses.

Diabetes is caused majorly due to the imbalance in Kapha Dosha. The imbalance when compounded with a weak Agni or digestive fire can slow down the metabolism, which can lead to problems with the sugar levels in the body. It doesn’t mean that people who have a predominant Kapha nature will get diabetes. Diabetes can manifest in an individual when Kapha dominance is not counterbalanced by healthy habits and a balanced diet. Therefore, Kapha dominant individuals should be careful about including enough air and fire elements in their food and habits.

Our Approach to Control Diabetes

This blog post has taken you through a thorough tour of what is Diabetes, what is the root cause, which type of dosha is really responsible for Diabetes and it can be treated by adopting Ayurveda.

Diabetes can be managed efficiently and effectively. Ayurveda experts recommend lifestyle changes and alteration in dietary habits to control this disease and prevent it from spiraling out of control. Along with that, we provide you an easy way to control diabetes. Buy ayurvedic medicine for Diabetes Type 2 control i.e. Ayush82 IME-9.

Ayush 82 IME-9 is Diabetes Type 2 control medicine. It is a significantly effective medicine for management of diabetes developed by C.C.R.A.S. (MINISTRY OF AYUSH GOVT. OF INDIA). This is the best ayurvedic medicine for Diabetes. Ayush82 IME-9 is synergistic combination of five vital herbs viz. Karela, Jamun, Amra, Gudmar and Shilajeet. These all natural ingredients in this medicine for sugar control act by stimulating beta cells and increase insulin production. They also decrease peripheral insulin resistance and delay glucose absorption from intestines. Ayush 82 IME-9 is developed after double blind clinical human trial studies of more than 800 patients. Therefore, this is a scientifically validated formulation with no side effects.

So, if you have high blood sugar levels, visit and get best ayurvedic medicine for Diabetes.

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