Wednesday, March 31, 2021

An Insight into High Blood Sugar Management

Meeting the dietary needs of the body, even when you are struggling with type-2 diabetes, is not an easy task. During diabetes, many favorite foods such as potatoes, fats, sugar etc. have to be discarded and diet has to be balanced to maintain the right blood sugar level and prevent diabetes complexes such as nerve damage, heart diseases and strokes etc.

Let’s look at the insights of blood sugar management -

Say no to sugar

Food or biscuits made with high sugar and fat may be tasty to eat, but the lack of nutrients in them makes healthy diabetes unfit for diet. So before eating or drinking excessive cream, jelly, sweet food or juice, do think once and pay attention to the carbohydrates and calories present in them. The sugar and fat present in them deteriorates the blood sugar ratio in the body.

So when you want to eat sweet, then eat dark chocolate, a spoonful of peanut butter with any salad or fruit. Peanut butter contains high potassium magnesium and its intake provides energy to the body. If intake of peanut butter 5 days a week controls blood sugar and is helpful in digesting carbohydrates. Apart from this, you can also include fruits, non-starchy vegetables or whole grains in the diet.

Stay away from unsaturated fats

When it comes to diabetes and weight control, the intake of unsaturated fats is harmful to the body. Eating only cheese can harm your body. Instead, eat full-fat cheese containing some amount of saturated fat, like this or mixed with yogurt. The body will get protein from this diet. For the amount of anti-oxidant in it, you can eat any beneficial fruit mixed with it.

Fried Chicken

Chicken diabetes is a safe protein rich diet. But if you take more spices and more salt and fried chicken, then it is harmful for type-2 diabetes. Such chicken dishes are not healthy. Grilled chicken is a protein-rich diet for people with diabetes. But fried snacks have a lot of fat. Also, it also has a high amount of salt, so stay away from it. Instead you can choose baked food items.

Bad Cholesterol and Sodium Rich Foods

Crunchies or chips made from potatoes, maize, etc. are delicious to eat, but they have high levels of bad cholesterol and sodium. And for type-2 diabetic patients, they are not considered a perfect snack at all. This makes it very difficult to control diabetes. If you feel like eating chips, you can eat baked chips and crisps in very limited quantity only occasionally.


Packed biscuits

The chocolate chips or biscuits that come in the packet may bring water to the mouth, but it is good for the person suffering from diabetes to stay away from it. It contains a very high amount of sugar, fat and calories, which can lead to very high blood sugar levels. Actually, flour and refined sugar are used to make them, which also did not get nutrition.

Diabetes complications can be divided into two types: acute (sudden) and chronic (long-term). Prolonged diabetes complications can result in damage to one or more parts of your body as a result of diabetes. But there is no need to panic about this thing, because the treatment of this disease is possible and can be avoided.

Keep in mind when choosing carbohydrates

Diabetes does not mean that you have to cut carbohydrates completely. Choose carbohydrates that break down slowly in the body, providing steady energy. Choose fresh fruits, vegetables, pulses and cereals.

Smart Snacking

Good sleep and regular exercise can also control the risk of high blood sugar. Also, the level of blood sugar can be controlled by smart snacking. With the help of snacks, energy can be maintained in your body. Also, it can also be avoided by overeating while eating. However, people suffering from diabetes should also choose snacks carefully.

Lose weight

If you feel that your weight is slightly more than the normal, then it may be your weight that causes your sugar to increase. Therefore, it is important for you to lose weight. Obesity gives you a lot of diseases for free. So keep your weight balanced.

Sleep enough

Taking too much or too little sleep can increase your appetite and in such cases may increase your intake of high-carbohydrate foods and cause weight gain? This also increases the risk of heart disease. So get seven or eight hours of sleep at night. If you have sleep apnea, treating it may improve your sleep and lower your blood sugar level.

Stay active and exercise

Being active and exercising a little bit everyday is a very good habit for your health. Exercise can help reduce your cardiovascular risks, cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and reduce your weight. Exercise also relieves stress.

Check your blood sugar daily

You should keep a regular tab on your blood sugar as it will keep you aware of your health condition. If your sugar increases after eating something the next day, then you will not eat it. This will tell you what to eat and what not.

Take stress less

If you have stress or anxiety without any reason, then you should try to reduce it. For this, you can adopt the medium of yoga and meditation. When you have diabetes, stress can increase your blood sugar levels. Whatever physical or mental stress, get rid of it. Learn to counter techniques to deal with this. If you have type-2 diabetes, breathing techniques such as breathing exercises, yoga and meditation can be particularly effective.

Do not eat salt

If you have diabetes, then try to remove salt and sugar from your food as much as possible. If possible, boycott the salt altogether. But if you cannot live without salt, and then only use salt in working quantity and that too only in vegetables. The intake of sodium, in general, people with diabetes should be reduced to less than 2,300 mg per day.

Do not smoke

If you have diabetes and you still smoke, then your chances of death are twice that of patients who do not smoke. If you quit this habit, it reduces your blood pressure and the risk of stroke, heart attack, and nerve damage and kidney disease. It will also be very beneficial for your heart and lungs.

Try Ayurvedic medicine

Ayurveda has been in the system for 5000 years and it can be the best way possible to rely upon. The number of patients affected by Diabetes is rising day by day and such a situation calls for action. Many doctors are finding the best solution for Diabetes but Ayurveda has answers for all. Ayurvedic medicine Ayush 82 IME 9 is a medically accredited for high blood sugar management.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

What is Type-2 Diabetes? Identifying the Initial Symptoms, Causes & Management of Diabetes

Diabetes is a lifestyle related disease. It increases the amount of blood sugar in a person's body and the body is not able to work effectively in digesting it. Insulin has a major role in this. It is a hormone produced in our body, which controls our blood sugar level. In Diabetes, either our body does not produce insulin or the cells of our body are not sensitive to insulin and sugar is not stored in them and is present in the blood. In this way, blood sugar increases in the body and it causes Diabetes.

Read the complete write-up to know everything about Type-2 Diabetes and Ayurvedic way of managing high blood sugar levels.

What is Type-2 Diabetes?

Type-2 Diabetes is a health condition in which the body is unable to use insulin properly and this condition develops insulin resistance. The pancreas makes insulin in it but it is not enough to keep blood sugar at a normal level. There are many reasons, which continuously trigger Type-2 Diabetes.

Difference between Type-1 Diabetes and Type-2 Diabetes

In Type-1 Diabetes, pancreas stops producing insulin. There is an absolute insulin deficiency and Type-2 Diabetes has relative insulin deficiency. Type-1 Diabetes can also be called autoimmune Diabetes. In this, the body’s own immune-system attacks the beta cells of insulin-producing pancreas and kills them. After these beta cells are destroyed, the body becomes unable to produce insulin. However, it is not yet known why the immune system sometimes attacks the body's own cells. This may be due to genetic and environmental factors or due to certain health-related conditions.

Causes of Type-2 Diabetes

Insulin resistance of the body

Insulin is a naturally occurring hormone. Your pancreas produces it. This insulin helps to transmit glucose from your bloodstream to cells throughout your body, where it is used for energy. In Type-2 Diabetes, the body becomes resistant to insulin. Your body is then not using hormones efficiently. This forces your pancreas to work harder to produce more insulin that gradually worsens the condition over-time.

 Loss of beta cells of pancreas

Over time due to insulin resistance, it can damage the cells in your pancreas. Eventually, your pancreas is not able to produce any insulin. In this way, if they do not produce enough insulin or if your body does not use it efficiently, glucose builds up in your blood and it increases Diabetes.

More production of glucose

 In some people, the major reason for Type-2 Diabetes is that their liver produces too much glucose. This production is due to various factors like lifestyle, food, sugar in food, and obesity, due to which the body continues to produce large amounts of glucose.

The tell-tale signs of Type-2 Diabetes

In Type-2 Diabetes, your body is unable to use insulin effectively to bring glucose to your cells. Due to this, symptoms of increased blood sugar are seen in different parts of the body. Symptoms of Type-2 Diabetes are mild and easy at first, but they can become severe over time. Talking about the initial symptoms, then -

·         Constant hunger

·         Feeling lack of energy

·         Think

·         Weight gain or increase

·         Excessive thirst

·         Frequent urination

·         Itchy skin

·         Becoming weak

Severe symptoms of Type-2 Diabetes

If your blood sugar continues to grow for a longer time, then it can provoke severe symptoms such as -

·         Fungal infection

·         Varying of any wound very slowly

·         Black spots on your skin

·         Pain

·         Numbness of feet

Which people are more at risk of Type-2 Diabetes?

1.        Pre-diabetes people are at greater risk of Type-2 Diabetes.

2.       Overweight and obese body increases the risk of Type-2 Diabetes rapidly.

3.       Physically if you are not active, it triggers type-2 diabetes.

4.       It is more likely to occur in people over 45 years of age.

5.       Mothers who give birth to a child weighing more than 9 pounds are also at risk of diabetes.

6.      Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are also at risk of type-2 diabetes.

7.       The risk of developing type-2 diabetes is also high due to genetic reasons.

The right dietary practice in Type-2 Diabetes

To keep the heart healthy and blood sugar levels within a safe and healthy range, it is essential that we follow a healthy diet. For this, a patient of Type-2 Diabetes should follow a correct diet plan, with some abstinence.

Ø  Eat food and breakfast at the scheduled time.

Ø  Choose a variety of foods that are high in nutrients and low in calories.

Ø  Do not eat more food.

Ø  Read the food label closely.

Ø  Know the calories both food and beverages carry.

What not to eat in Type-2 Diabetes?

Ø  Do not eat heavy food made of saturated or Trans fat such as fried food or junk food.

Ø  Do not eat too much meat.

Ø  Avoid white bread.

Ø  Do not eat processed snacks.

Ø  Take sugar-less beverages.

Ø  Do not take dairy products with high fat.

Ø  Stay away from fried foods and fried foods.

Apart from all this, include foods with omega-3 fatty acids to keep you healthy from the heart. Such as tuna and sardine fish. Also include olive oil, peanut oil and nuts, such as almonds and walnuts, etc. in the diet. Once more, keep in mind about diabetes; do not allow obesity to increase at all. The faster you are obese, the faster your blood sugar level will increase. So, follow an active lifestyle to control obesity. Practice Yoga and walk at least for 30 minutes regularly.

(NOTE: The above-mentioned information is generic. Hereby, always consult your dietitian or doctor before making any changes in your diet or routine.)

Trust Ayurvedic medicine for high sugar for your safekeeping!

Ayurveda is a tradition approach of healing body disorders. Using the mending intensity 0f nature, Ayush 82 IME 9 is a perfect blend of organic herbs. This sugar management medicine stimulates insulin production and controls sugar cravings.

Diabetes – An In-Depth Exploration!


Rapidly changing lifestyles, stress, depression and anxiety have led to many diseases and one such severe disease is Diabetes – which we call sugar, or blood sugar in common language. Diabetes is not only grasping the elders but also youngsters are getting affected by it. According to the report of the International Diabetes Federation, the number 40.9 million of diabetics in India is expected to cross 69.9 million by 2025. Often people delay in identifying the symptoms of many serious diseases due to lack of information that worsens the condition as time passes, however, Ayurvedic medicine for high blood sugar management can be helpful. In this article, we will tell you about the causes, symptoms, types of diabetes, and ways to manage diabetes.

What is Diabetes?

When the glucose level in the blood rises more than normal due to decreased secretion of insulin in our body's pancreas, the condition is called Diabetes. Insulin is an imperative hormone made by digestive glands. This hormone is needed to convert food to energy. In absence or lack of insulin, our body cannot control the amount of sugar, plus our body has to face a lot of difficulties in converting energy from food. When the increased level of glucose remains constant in our blood, it starts damaging many organs that prominently includes eyes, brain, heart, arteries and kidneys.

Types of diabetes

Among all types of diabetes, 80 to 90 percent of people suffer the most from two types of diabetes - Type-1 diabetes and Type-2 diabetes.

Type-1 diabetes - It is found mostly in young children or people below 20 years. Type-1 diabetes begins when our Pancreas cannot make insulin. In this, the patient has to take insulin injections periodically to maintain the normal level of glucose in the blood.

Type-2 diabetes - In Type-2 diabetes, insulin is produced inside the body, but it is not appropriately utilized by the body. Most people around the world suffer from this type of diabetes. It can also be genetic and can also be caused by obesity.

Symptoms of Diabetes

There are many symptoms of diabetes, of which the following are the major ones. If a person sees most of these symptoms, then a quick check should be done.

·         Frequent urination

·         Reduced eyesight

·         More thirsty

·         Feeling of weakness

·         Delayed healing

·         Itchy wounds on the hands, feet and genitals of the patient

·         Frequent infection on the skin and frequent boils and pimples

·         Excessive hunger

·         Patient weight loss even after eating too much food

·         Risk of dizziness and irregular heart rate

·         Kidney failure

Causes of Diabetes

Genetics - Diabetes can occur due to genetic reasons, that means, if a parent is diabetic, then their children are also more likely to develop it.

Food and obesity - People who eat junk food or fast food are more prone to diabetes. Consumption of junk food doubles the chances of obesity and blood pressure related problems.

Other causes of diabetes are -

·         No physical activities

·         Mental stress and depression

·         Pregnancy

·         Use of more over-the-counter medicines

·         Consumption of food with more sugar & oil

·         Smoking and tobacco consumption

Diabetes screening – Knowing the exact level of sugar

Urine or blood is checked for diabetes, through which the level of sugar in the body is detected. Diabetes testing is divided into two parts - empty stomach and after eating.

Empty stomach - On an empty stomach blood sugar levels of 80 to 120 mg/dl are found in a normal human being. If the quantity is between 120 and 140 mg/dl, it is considered to be the initial stage of diabetes and if the quantity is found to be more than 140 mg / dl then it is considered to be the root stage of diabetes.

After eating - Similarly, if the blood level is found to be less than 120 -125 mg / dl after 2 hours of eating, it is normal, and if it above 140 mg / dl then, it can be a sign of danger.

Diet and Prevention of Diabetes

Ø  One cause of diabetes is anxiety or stress, so do not take stress as much as you can. For this, you can also exercise or meditate. Do as much physical work as possible. Get a good sleep, and maintain your body weight in control.

Ø  Follow a balanced diet that includes green vegetables, grains and pulses. Fast food, ghee/oil made things, more sweet things or fat foods should be avoided. Also avoid sweet fruits and juices. This includes mango, litchi, banana, grapes, chiku, and custard apple.

Ø  Diabetes patients are advised to do Kapalbhati pranayama, Anulom-Vilom and Mandukasana.

Ø  Diabetes patients should get their sugar level checked regularly. Also, take the numbness in the feet as a warning.

Ø  Do not take any medicine without the advice of a doctor.

(Note - This information has been given to increase your knowledge towards diabetes. Do not take any step without consulting a doctor.)

Managing high blood sugar level with Ayurvedic medicine

Ayurvedic medicine Ayush 82 IME 9 naturally helps in managing rising blood sugar levels. It is easily accessible and completely free from side-effects.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Controlling Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus) – An Ayurvedic Approach

Diabetes mellitus is the third largest killer in the world behind the cardiac ailments and cancer is a major cause of adult blindness, kidney failure, gangrene, neuropathy, heart attack and strokes. More than 90 million people estimated to suffer from Diabetes mellitus throughout the world and the prevalence is still rising alarmingly. The Ayurvedic classics have exhaustively described the disease under the term ‘Madhumeha’. So, ayurvedic physicians have had the knowledge about what is known as diabetes mellitus now a day.

May be the sophisticated and complicated methods to investigate and treat the patients were not available at ancient time, but they knew about the nature and severity of the disease and also had a fair knowledge about its treatment. The synonyms for diabetes in Ayurveda are madhumeh, ojomeh and kshodrameh. Now according to allopathic science, diabetes can be defined as a syndrome of relative or absolute deficiency of insulin enough to cause hyperglycemia. The point of research lies whether it is deficiency of insulin or decreased effectiveness or cheap quality of insulin, which is unable to lower increased levels of glucose. Therefore, Diabetes is a major lifestyle disease and a metabolic disorder marked by fluctuations in blood Sugar level in the body, due either to ones pancreas not producing enough insulin or the body-cells not responding properly to the insulin produced.

What is Diabetes according to Ayurveda?

In Ayurveda, Diabetes is referred to as “Prameha” or “Madhumeha” as we have discussed above. “Madhu” translates to “sweet like honey”, and “Meha” refers to “urine.” 5000 years ago, physicians detected the presence of glucose in urine and did some physical tests wherein they studied urine appearances to diagnose the type of Dosha that is involved in diabetes.

The etiopathology of diabetes states that addiction to a sedentary lifestyle and oversleeping can aggravate Kapha Dosha and can trigger diabetes. In addition, consumption of the following food items may also lead to diabetes by aggravating Kapha and vitiating the fat and muscle tissues:

  • Yogurt and other milk products
  • Meat of domestic and aquatic animals of marshy land
  • Freshly harvested grains
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Jaggery

Similarly, Pitta Dosha can be aggravated by diet lifestyle factors. This can cause a different type of diabetes. When both Kapha and Pitta are imbalanced, it disturbs the Vata. Consequently, the aggravated Vata draws the essence of the bone marrow and lymph, and transmits it into the urinary tract, which ultimately causes another type of diabetes.

Ayurvedic Approach to Diabetes

Ayurveda, the ancient sciences of medical faculties is one of the oldest and scientific systems of medicine on the planet. The disease Madhumeha is described in almost all available texts Ayurveda under the title Prameha/Madhumeha. While searching for ayurvedic medicine for sugar control, people are stucked to choose among the variety. Ayurveda aims at treating diabetes by achieving “Reverse Pathogenesis,” also known as “Samprapti Vighatana”. In doing so, the pathway and disorder tree is sketched out, and techniques to knock off the causative factors in reverse gear are planned.

Vata dosha is responsible for all the small and big movements in the body, Pitta dosha regulate the body’s digestion and metabolism while Kapha dosha is accountable for strength and growth. The imbalance of these Doshas is what makes the body prone to illnesses.

Diabetes is caused majorly due to the imbalance in Kapha Dosha. The imbalance when compounded with a weak Agni or digestive fire can slow down the metabolism, which can lead to problems with the sugar levels in the body. It doesn’t mean that people who have a predominant Kapha nature will get diabetes. Diabetes can manifest in an individual when Kapha dominance is not counterbalanced by healthy habits and a balanced diet. Therefore, Kapha dominant individuals should be careful about including enough air and fire elements in their food and habits.

Our Approach to Control Diabetes

This blog post has taken you through a thorough tour of what is Diabetes, what is the root cause, which type of dosha is really responsible for Diabetes and it can be treated by adopting Ayurveda.

Diabetes can be managed efficiently and effectively. Ayurveda experts recommend lifestyle changes and alteration in dietary habits to control this disease and prevent it from spiraling out of control. Along with that, we provide you an easy way to control diabetes. Buy ayurvedic medicine for Diabetes Type 2 control i.e. Ayush82 IME-9.

Ayush 82 IME-9 is Diabetes Type 2 control medicine. It is a significantly effective medicine for management of diabetes developed by C.C.R.A.S. (MINISTRY OF AYUSH GOVT. OF INDIA). This is the best ayurvedic medicine for Diabetes. Ayush82 IME-9 is synergistic combination of five vital herbs viz. Karela, Jamun, Amra, Gudmar and Shilajeet. These all natural ingredients in this medicine for sugar control act by stimulating beta cells and increase insulin production. They also decrease peripheral insulin resistance and delay glucose absorption from intestines. Ayush 82 IME-9 is developed after double blind clinical human trial studies of more than 800 patients. Therefore, this is a scientifically validated formulation with no side effects.

So, if you have high blood sugar levels, visit and get best ayurvedic medicine for Diabetes.

An Insight into High Blood Sugar Management

Meeting the dietary needs of the body, even when you are struggling with type-2 diabetes, is not an easy task. During diabetes, many favorit...